Farmers face all sorts of risks. Learning how to handle such risks and reduce their impact is essential for the survival of their farming practices. In collaboration with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), in October 2019 PARM organised a five-day knowledge sharing and learning workshop on ‘How to empower farmers to manage risks: your experience’ in Entebbe, Uganda. Its purpose was to analyse the specific experience of those directly involved with PARM’s capacity development activities or involved in similar capacity development activities of their own; to discuss, reflect, and draw lessons and use these lessons as inputs, so as to improve these capacity development efforts on ARM and related topics.
The lessons compiled in this document are drawn from the activities and results seen in different countries in East Africa, namely Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia. The lessons are composed by selected representatives from NGOs, development agencies, farmer federations, private companies, universities and ministries of agriculture. The content of this publication can be useful for an equally wide range of readers. This publication targets both practitioners of ARM and those interested in capacity building for ARM or more widely.
PARM (2020). How to empower farmers to manage risks: experiences from practice (by Laura Eggens). In collaboration with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). Rome: PARM/IFAD. Available at:
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